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Web site navigation


Visitors to the site who are logged in (Users) are able to see much more of the web site than general public visitors.

When you first visit this site, you are able to see only the “front end” of the site. Once logged in, you will be able so see some or all of the “back end” of the site. The pages that are visible and functions that are accessible depend on the security level assigned to each User. See Web site security for more information.

As long as you do not log out, you can switch back and forth between the “back end” (sometimes called the “dashboard”) and the “front end” without having to re-enter user credentials.

Admin bar

Once a User has registered and logged in, they will see the Admin bar at the top of the screen. You must use the Admin bar to switch back and forth between the “front end” and the “back end.”

For most users, there are only two menu items on the Admin bar that are of interest:

  1. The “+ New” menu will allow the User to add new content (items, soldiers) or images to the site.
  2. Click the “48th Highlanders Museum” menu item which will take you to  the Dashboard.

Both of these steps will take you from the “Front end” to the “Back end” of the web site – the area where content is created and edited and system settings are changed.

Once the User has completed their entries and actions in the “Back end” they can return to the “Front end” by clicking on “48th Museum” in the Admin bar and selecting “Visit site.”

Back end navigation

On the left hand edge of your screen you will see the Admin (or “dashboard”) menu. Most users will only be concerned with the following menu items:


When you select this, you will be taken to a list of all the artifacts (items) in the museum database. See Adding an ‘item’ (artifact) for instructions.


When you select this you will be taken to a list of all Highlanders (soldiers) in the database.  See Adding a soldier for instructions.


When you select this you will be taken a page where you can add or edit media items (mostly images.) See  Adding Images for more information.


This menu item will allow you to change your password, your first and last names and your e-mail address. You cannot change your username once it has been entered.

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