LCol George A Fraser, CD

Commanding Officer 1952-1955

George Argo Fraser joined the 48th Highlanders on 13 October 1930 at the age of 16 with the service number TB1198. As a Sergeant he volunteered to serve with 1st Battalion (CASF) on mobilization in September 1939 with the service number B72627.  He was promoted to Platoon Sergeant Major (PSM) (WO#3) shortly after arrival in England.  In 1940 the Canadian Army began to phase out the PSM appointment and many of them  were commissioned. Fraser was sent to O.C.T. U. in England (Officer Corps Training Unit) and returned to the battalion as a Lieutenant. Records show him as Lieutenant in C Company on 12 Jun 1942.  Lieutenant Fraser commanded a platoon in C Company through Sicily and was Officer Commanding A Company (OC A Coy) during significant periods of the battles for Rimini. He ended the war as a Major and returned to the peacetime Highlanders becoming Commanding Officer in 1952.

NOK: Mother: Mrs G. Fraser, 76 Brownlow Avenue, Toronto.

Religion: Presbyterian

Militia / Reserve Bn, 48th First Bn (WW 2)
Service number
B72627 TB1198
Date Taken on Strength
13 Oct-30

Data source(s)

Regimental History (Vol 3)- Dileas: A History of the 48th Highlanders of Canada 1929–1956
. Dileas: Preface, Page 41, 66, England, 146, Valguanera, 160, 250, Nissoria 281-2-9 290-1-3-4, 306 San Marco 364, Cemetery Hill, 452, 496, 596, Kestrel, 650, 1-3-4, Cesena, 676-9, 681, Lamone, 718, 722-3, Peace, 787 795, 803, Commanding Officer 805-6.
Museum Archive Documents
Pt II Order attached to War Diary of Jun 1944 - Assistant Field Judge Captain; and Baseball games with Major Mackenzie
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