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Regimental Publications

This topic deals with the set up of an “item” representing a Regimental publication.


Documents, Regimental Publications

Featured image

Cover page – Title and Caption should be: The Falcon Magazine (or Bulletin, etc.) with Month and Year of publication.

Publication date

The publications are displayed in a grid that is available to the public. This grid sorts these items according to the date published. Therefore, it is essential that you specifically set the date published by editing the “Published on” date. The exact day it was originally published does not matter.  Ensure the month and year that you select are the same as the title of he document.

PDF file attachment

The PDF file MUST be in a searchable file format. You can test whether the file is searchable by trying to select some text in the PDF document.

The file size cannot exceed 10 Mb. Use the free Adobe compression tool to compress: Acrobat online sign in | Document Cloud login | Adobe Acrobat

Attach the PDF file to the “item” using the “Document attachment” function.


If the location of the item is already set, there is no need to change it. If the museum does not have a hard copy of the publication, set the location to “Digital files.” When a hard copy is provided to the museum then the staff member putting the publication away must change the location appropriately.

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