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Processing receipt of donations


Determine if the items being offered are 48th related or were generic items used by the 48th such as uniforms. If not do not proceed any further and suggest other museums might be better suited.


  1. If the items are 48th related then fill out a Gift Agreement with the donor. Ensure you get the address and phone number or email of the donor.
  2. Make a list of all items being donated. Try to describe the items as fully as possible.  Remember that we may use this description to find an item months down the road.
  3. Ask the donor for as much information about the history of the items, who used it, where did they get it, who kept it.
  4. If the donation is made in person make sure you and the donor sign the form. For items received by post email a signed copy after receipt.
  5. Either box the items together in Temporary Storage and include the gift agreement with “Donors Name” and the “Date Donated”, or proceed to step 6.
  6. Accession the item(s) and replace in Temporary Storage or proceed to step 7.
  7. Assign a permanent location for the item(s) and record in the system.
  8. Put the item(s) in the designated location.

Ensure a thank you letter is sent by mail or email.

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Gift agreement

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