Item status codes
This code is set in a required field for items (artifacts.) The field is located under the admin tab at the bottom of the add / edit item screen.
When an item is being added to the system, it’s status should be ‘Normal.’
Verification required
This status code implies the same status as ‘Normal.’ It means that, although an item has been entered, the item has been flagged for verification of some or all details. When an item is assigned to this status, it must be assigned to a location. If the location to which the item is assigned has defined sub-locations, then the sub-location must be identified.
Out for repair
When an item is assigned to this status, the ‘Condition’ code (on the Condition tab) will be automatically set to ‘Out for repair.’ On the ‘Item details’ screen the user must enter:
- some text (the name and contact information of the repair facility) in the ‘Conservation treatment’ field and
- the due date for return.
When the item status is changed back to “Normal” FROM ‘Out for repair,’ the user must change the ‘Condition description’ to reflect its new condition.
Out on loan
When an item is assigned to this status, on the ‘Item details’ screen the user must enter:
- some text (who the item was lent to) in the ‘Notes’ field and
- due date for return.
When the item is returned from the borrower, the user just must verify the location in the museum and condition codes of the item.
In on loan
This status code is used to record items that are on loan to the Museum. When an item is assigned to this status, it must be assigned to a location. If the location to which the item is assigned has defined sub-locations, then the sub-location must be identified. (i.e. the sub-location cannot be ‘Not assigned.’) The user must either enter the ‘due date’ for return of the item in the Notes or place a check in the Permanent loan? box to show that the item is on permanent loan.
To indicate that the item was returned to the lender, set the Status code to “Inactive” and set the sub-status code to “Ret. to donor.”
Items with this status have been formally removed from the museum’s collection. The De-accessioned status code has several sub-statii which are used to show why the status was set to inactive.
Note: Items with this status code will not be included in search results that are initiated using the “Search artifacts” or the “Search all” screens. Similarly, de-accessioned items are not included on the “Featured artifacts” screen.