RSM (WO1) L. DEHARTE medals

RSM (WO1) L. DEHARTE (MID) – Medal Set

Four Medals: (1) 1914-15 Star.  Awarded for service at the Front before 31 Dec 1915  15th Battalion members who were serving at St Julien during the gas attack of 23 April 1915 received this medal. (2) British War Medal  Awarded those who served on Actual Service between 5 Aug 1914 and 11 Nov 1918 (3) Allied Victory Medal with Mention in Dispatches device  awarded for CSM DeHarte’s  gallant conduct while a Prisoner of War. This First World War medal was agreed to by all allies in March 1919 and uses a common ribbon.  It is always accompanied by the War Medal (4) Colonial Auxiliary Forces  Long  Service Medal (George V version awarded in 1921) for 20 years service.  Service during wartime counted double.

CSM (Company Sergeant Major) Lewis DeHarte had previously served with The Royal Canadian Regiment when he enlisted with 15th Battalion, 48th Highlanders 22 Sep 14. He was taken POW (Prisoner of War) while serving as CSM 2 Coy at St Julien 23/35 Apr 1915.  Following the end of the First World War he was appointed RSM (Regimental Sergeant Major) in 1921 to 1927.

Associated place
Associated event
WW1 – 15th Bn
Associated name(s)
DeHarte Lewis.E. RSM WO 2
De Harte
1914 – 1919 (WW 1)
Location of artifact
Case 46 Medals
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