Postcard sent home from a German prisoner of war camp, Kriegsgefangenenlager Göttingen in Göttingen, Hannover, Germany, by RSM Lewis E. DeHarte to his wife in Toronto, Canada. RSM Lewis E. DeHarte was a prisoner of war from 1915-1919. The postcard is cardstock and a yellow-brown colour, with writing in pencil on both sides of the postcard. The front left of the card has RSM DeHarte’s sender information, and the front right of the card has the receiver’s information, being his wife’s information. The postcard is stamped on the front with an ink stamp by the camp’s German Military Postal Examination Office, a Göttingen post office, and a London post office. There is written in pencil at the front top that reads: “Kriegsgefangenensendung.” (meaning prisoner of war mail). The front of the card is split in two vertically by a double striped line, with the left for sender information and the right for receiver information and dotted lines on the right side for writing on. On the front top right is likely a space for a postage stamp that is a square frame made of dotted black lines.
The back of the card has horizontal dotted lines and is filled in with writing by RSM DeHarte: “Gottingen 26. 3 .16 Dear Chum. – I have not had a parcel or letter from you for three weeks. Hope I hear from you soon. Dont forget Jin’s birthday Photo. also Billies. I got the parcel with my glasses some time a go & wrote saying so. I wrote in my last letter for $10.00 in April. if you can spare it. Have a good time Chums. I expect to go loose a little myself when I get home. Hope it is soon. Put some Sunlight Soap in parcels please. I have plenty of clothing. Where is Bill now, & why dont I hear from him? What is doing in Rosedale. Regards to all Rosses Love to Mae + You & The Kids. Lewis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”
NOTE: This and other similar prisoner of war letter postcards by RSM Lewis E. DeHarte are stored in a Ziploc bag with the postcard under the accession number 2009015010.