Captain WH Denton, MC

Captain W. H. Denton was awarded the Military Cross while with the 15th Battalion, 48th Highlanders at Amiens on 8/9 August 1918, where he, as a Lieutenant, took command in the field of No. 4 Company.  On 24 September 1916, at the Somme he was wounded in the shoulder by shrapnel. When war was declared […]

Major Aleck J Sinclair VD

Aleck Sinclair

A Highlander Who Served During Three Wars Private Aleck Sinclair of the 48th volunteered for South Africa with the first contingent in 1899 and served with 2nd (Special Service) Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry. Upon returning to Canada in 1901, he continued with the 48th, rising to sergeant. In 1906 Sgt Sinclair was […]

RQMS (WO2) Joseph William Milton (served in WW1 as Mutimer), DCM

W02 JW Miton served as Mutimer with 15th Battalion 48th Highlanders in World War 1 as did his brother  James.  He was still serving as Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant (RQMS) in September 1939 when 1st Battalion 48th Highlanders was mobilized for overseas service as part of the Canadian Active Service Force (CASF).  He reverted to Sergeant […]

RSM (WO1) Frederick Charles Gledhill, DCM

RSM – 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) 1917-1919 Regimental Sergeant Major – 1927-1936 Born 1896 Prewar employment as a cutter T. Eaton Co Sgt 1916, wounded at Chateau Dugouts Ypres salient April 1916 No 2 Coy Mt Sorrel June 1916 As Sgt becomes CSM No 2 Coy after Mt Sorrel Awarded DCM as CSM Jan 1917 Promoted […]

RSM (WO1) Frederick Wigmore, MM,CD

Regimental Sergeant Major 48th Highlanders of Canada 1951  – 1956 RSM “Fred” Wigmore served during World War 1 with the Imperial Argylls. His prowess as a shooter led to some claiming that during his service in the Middle East he had shot the nose of the Sphinx. In 1944 CSM Wigmore left the 1st Battalion […]