48th Sgt’s Mess Annual Dinner, 109th- 2000 Oct

– Program / Ticket 48th Highlanders of Canada Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess 109 Annual Mess Dinner Name: Sgt Percival Back of Program RSM CWO Darling, CD PMC CSM WO Ross CD VIC PMC RQMS (Sgt) Brogan Secretary Sgt Ronaldson Treasurer Sgt Compton Members DSM (MWO) Alkema CD CSM (MWO) McIntyre CD Inside March in […]

48th Sgts Annual Dinner- 1956 Oct 27

– Program / Ticket Warrant Officers and Sergeants’ 48th Highlanders of Canada Annual Dinner Saturday, October Twenty-Seventh, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Six Back Cover Board of Management – 1956 R.S.M. S. Montgomery M.M. C.S.M. J.M. Irvine            President C.S.M. G.A. Venton         Vice-President C.S.M. G.A. Kelly          […]

48th Sgts Annual Dinner-1985 Oct 19

– Program / Ticket 48th Highlanders , Dileas Gu Brath, Sergeant Mess 94th Annual Dinner Saturday October 19th, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five Inside Pages Battle Honours of The 48th Highlanders of Canada (Those Battle Honours in capitals are emblazoned on the Regimental Colour) Page 2 The History of The 48th Highlanders of Canada Page […]

48th Sgts Annual Dinner -1957 Oct 26

– Program / Ticket Warrant Officers and Sergeants 48th Highlander of Canada Sixty-sixth Anniversary Dinner Saturday, October Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven Program Grace Fallen Comrades Toasts The Queen The Regiment R.S.M. S. Montgomery, M.M. Lt.Col. H.K. MacIntosh, M.B.E, E.D. Our Honourary Colonels C.S.M. G.A. Venton Col. K.R. Marshall, C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D. Our Guests C.S.M. […]

48th Sgts Annual Dinner-1962 Nov 17

– Program / Ticket 48th Highlanders Sergeants Mess Annual Dinner Saturday, November 17th, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two Board of Management 1962 RSM (WO1) WP Elms, CD SSgt Osbourne JJ, CD President Sgt Turner, WB Vice President Sgt Melvill, JJO Secretary WO2 MacLean G., CD Treasurer Committee Sgt Taylor R.F. Sgt Rands, C.A. Sgt Young, J […]

48th OCA Memorial Dinner- 1988

Deceased Members list 1988 – Program 48th Highlanders Dileas-Gu-Brath O.C.A. Memorial Dinner 48th Highlanders of Canada Let We Forget 1988 J. Forbes, J. Taylor, A. Willis, A. Smith, C. Waite, H. Hargrave, W. Fraser, J. McDonald, J. Bernier, J. Love, K. Rennie, S. Seggie, J. Lynn, H. Hewitt, H. Wallace, L. Fletcher, A. Graham, J.Blencowe, J. McLaughlin, B. […]

48th OCA Remembrance Day Dinner -1999

– Program Remembrance Day Dinner 1999 In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky the larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below   We are the Dead, Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset […]

48th Service of Remembrance, 1943 Nov 7

– Program 2nd (Res.) Battalion 48th Highlanders of Canada C.A. Service at the Regimental Memorial Sunday, 7 November, 1943 at 3 p.m. Lieut.-Col., J.E.F. Seagram Commanding Hon. Major The Very Rev. Stuart C. Parker, D.D. Chaplain Order of Service Preludium Regimental Brass Band 2. Hymn – “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” Lesson Address […]

48th Service of Remembrance, 2000 Nov 11

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Service of Remembrance at the Regimental Memorial Saturday, 11 November 2000 at 1100 hours Lieutenant Colonel G.D. Turner, CD Commanding Officer Captain B.R. Flower, Padre Order of Service Prelude Military Band Royal Anthem God Save The Queen Prayer Hymn “God, Our help in ages past” Lesson One: Deutevonomy 20:1-4 […]

The Bands of the 48th Highlanders CD Cover 1986

CD Cover – Documents The Bands of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Photo of Band Pipes & Drums Military Band Reverse The Bands of The 48th Highlanders of Canada 1. Maple Leaf & Alberta Bound 2. Army of The Nile 3. 3 Retreats Archie McKinley Battle of The Somme Heights of Dargal 4. Scottish Rhapsody […]