Search results (Artifacts only)

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Group of48th Officers

Roll 5 Garden Party & Route Marches – Group of 48th Officers in DEU and Trews in chairs outside barracks

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Group outside Ccoy OR

Roll 4 Corunna & training – Group of 10 Highlanders outside C Company Orderly Room Corunna Barracks

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Group picture Aldershot

Roll 3 Aldershot Big Group Photo – huddled in group wear Glengarries

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Group with pick axes

Roll 3 Aldershot Group of 48th using pick axes in field

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Guests at Garden Party

Roll 5 Garden Party & Route Marches – Guests at Garden Party at Corunna Barracks, Aldershot

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Halifax Harbour

Roll 1 Departure from Canada – view of Halifax Harbour and Irvine Oil Sign

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Head Table

Roll 3 Lt. Donald MacKenzie’s Wedding – Officers at Head Table with Colours on wall behind and a Piper

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Highlander in bunker

Roll 4 Corunna and Training- Highlander in bunker in snow – round glasses and helmet

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Highlander in doorway

Roll 3 Aldershot Highlander outside doorway in battledress & Glengarry

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Highlander on Park bench

Roll 4 Corunna and training – Highlander on park bench eating snow

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Highlander Outside OR

Roll 4 Corunna Barracks and Training- 48th Highlander outside C Coy Orderly Room wearing battledress and Glengarry

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Highlanders & WAC

Roll 6 Parade at Stanhope Field – Two Highlanders and two WAC by boat. One is Capt. Darling