Search results (Artifacts only)

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Coat hanging in Room

Roll 6 Parade at Stanhope Field – Coat hanging in room by washstand

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Colours Marchpast

Roll 6 Parade at Stanhope Field & Gordon Party – Colours march past on Parade

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Corunna Barracks

Roll 4 Corunna Barracks and Training – Photo of outside of Corunna Barracks, Aldershot, England

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Cranes in Harbour

Roll 1 Departure from Canada – view of cranes in Halifax Harbour

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Dark picture motorcycles

Roll 6 Parade at Stanhope Field – picture of Capt. Darling and two others on motorcycles

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Document on deck

Roll 1 Departure from Canada – document propped up on deck

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Dog

Roll 6 Parade at Stanhope Field & Gordon Party – Photo of dog

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Escort D11

Roll 7 Foray to France – Escort D11 – HMS Impulsive, 1 – Class Destroyer

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Escort F31 in Harbour

Roll 7 Foray to France – Escort F31 in Harbour – HMS Mohawk, Tribal Destroyer

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Escort F75

Roll 7 Foray to France – HMS Eskimo, Tribal Class Destroyer

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Escort H76 & other ship

Roll 7 Foray to France – Escort H76, HMS Fury, F Class Destroyer and other ship

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Escort Ship and hills

Roll 7 Foray to France – Escort ship and hills in background