Unveiling of Regimental War Memorial Order of Service Queen's Park, Toronto Sunday, November 11th, 1923

Service at Memorial – 1923 Nov 11

Unveiling of Memorial, program and two tickets

Unveiling by General His Excellency The Baron Byng of Vimy, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Governor-General of Canada. The 48th Highlander Monument is located at the north end of Queen’s Park Circle and was designed by Brigadier (Capt. in 1923) Eric Haldenby, MC, partner in the architectural firm of Mathers and Haldenby.

Associated place
Queen’s Park, Toronto
Associated event
Services / 48th Monument
Associated name(s)
Major Rev. T. Crawford Brown Chaplain
1920 – 1938 Interwar period
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related


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