Boxing Tournament at Badminton Club, Littlehampton, U.K. Wednesday, 15th April, 1942

Boxing Tournament Rotary Club -1942 April 15

– Program


Boxing Tournament in aid of the Rotary Club Charity Fund

at the Badminton Club, Littlehampton at 7 p.m.

Wednesday, 15th April 1942

Programme-Price 3d.

Littlehampton Gazette, Ltd., Beach Road. Tel 150.

Programme Inside

17. Boxing Bouts with members of the 48th in Exhibition Bout 11.

48th Canadian Highlanders Welterweight Champion First Canadian Division Highlander A. Roher v. Highlander F. Sexton 48th Highlanders

Bout 15. Highlander Robert Dockerty                    V.              Highlander Jack Dockerty

48th Highlanders, Canadian Forces                                         48th Canadian Highlanders, Canadian Forces Featherweight

and British Army Featherweight                                                Champion 1940/1

Champion 1941/2 and A.B.A.

Champion 1941/2

Bout. 16. L. A/C Mills                                               V.                 Highlanders Aland Dickie


Official in Charge: J. Bristow

Referees & Judges …A.G. Boxall, J. Bristow, H. Jones and T. Reeves

M.C. …….                … Arthur Wingfield

Timekeepers…      … A. Whitburn and R.W. Payne

Seconds                 … H. Marchbank, G. Jones & F. Gale

Chief Whip           … Sert. S.F. Richards

Assistant Whip   … Sergt. Dodds and Cpl. Crosland

Clerk of Scales    … A.G. Boxall

Medical Officers … Dr. Hugh Stewart, Dr. J. Lipsey

Recorder             … E.L. Jennings

Stewards            … Members of Rotary Club

The President of the Littlehampton Rotary Club would like to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking the Littlehampton Boys’ Club, who have made this Tournament possible, and all who have volunteered their series during the Tournament and helped in any other way.

Associated place
Badminton Club, Littlehampton, U.K.
Associated event
Entertainment / Sport
Associated name(s)
Robert Dockerty
Jack Dockerty
1939 – 1945 (WW 2)
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related


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