Since TORELLA, ITALY Serjeant SEXTON has been a detachment commander of 5 Platoon, 48th Highlanders of Canada and has over a long period of time set a magnificent example of leadership, courage, initiative and aggressiveness to the men of his section. During the battle for the crossing of the LAMONE River, ITALY on 10/11 December 1944 Serjeant SEXTON led a PIAT mortar section across with the leading infantry company under very heavy enemy machine gun and mortar fire. At great personal risk to himself he directed the fire of his section on enemy targets knocking out several enemy machine gun posts thus enabling the company he was supporting to reach their objective with a minimum of casualties. Later in this action his section knocked out an enemy self-propelled gun. In a further engagement Serjeant SEXTON under very heavy enemy artillery and small arms fire crawled approximately 100 yards over open ground to carry to safety one of his men who had become shell-shocked and was lying on open ground unable to move.
Throughout all the numerous fought by this unit in ITALY and HOLLAND, Serjeant SEXTON’s courage and leadership have been an inspiration to all those who have served with him.
His fine example has at times been so outstanding that it served to bolster the morale of the whole Regiment.