Officers of the 15th Battalion C.E.F. (48th Highlanders of Canada) Revised January 26, 1939

15th Bn Officers Roll of Honour-1939 Update

– Documents

Officers of the 15th Battalion C.E.F. (48th Highlanders of Canada)

Revised January 26, 1939 Lists of Killed in Action, Died of wounds, or have died since the Armistice, Surviving Officers. See photo. 66 Officers killed in action. 146 Surviving Officers.

The list of Officers who served in the 15th Battalion, C.E.F., 48th Highlanders of Canada, has been prepared from the “Log” of the Battalion – some twenty years after the book was closed. It is as nearly accurate as we can make it; the assistance of all officers is requested to improve it and keep it up to date.

Following the well timed Reunion Dinner, October 20th, 1938, a Committee was appointed – one third of the Committee will resign each year so that no member will serve more than three years in succession.

The Officers and members of the first-Committee are as follows:

President – Lt.-Col. J. Ewart Osborne, D.S.O., V.D.

Vice-President – Lt.-Col. Ernest (O.T.) Hibbert

Treasurer – apt. Wm. Proudfoot, M.C.

Secretary – Major H.G. Pepall

Lt.-Col. J.P. Girvan, D.S.O.,M.C .V.D

Major J.H. Chipman, M.C. V.D.

Major Hugh J. McLaughlin

Major G.M. Malone, M.C., E.D.

Should you have occasion to communicate with Association on any subject, please address yourself to the Secretary, 15th Battalion Overseas Officers Association, P.O. Box 48, Toronto

Associated place
Toronto, Ontario
Associated event
Documents / General
Associated name(s)
President – Lt.-Col. J. Ewart Osborne, D.S.O., V.D.
Vice-President – Lt.-Col. Ernest (O.T.) Hibbert
Treasurer – apt. Wm. Proudfoot,
Secretary – Major H.G. Pepall M.C.
Major Hugh J. McLaughlin
Major G.M. Malone, M.C., E.D.

1914 – 1919 (WW 1), 1939 – 1945 (WW 2)
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Other, Event related


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