Dirk of Capt. and LCol Trumbull Warren – father and son

Dirk belonging to Captain Trumbull Warren and passed on to his son, LCol Trumbull Warren. The dirk, a Scottish knife, with a small fork and small knife inserted on the scabbard,  was part of a Highland officer’s dress uniform, and worn hanging from the waist belt on the right side. The dirk has a black […]

FN Browning Handgun (Disabled)

FN Browning 1900, Fabrique Nationale Herstal (FN), #650713, semi-automatic, 7.65mm, 7 rounds, barrel length 105mm, leather holster. Disabled permanently. The pistol was used by J. R. (Tiny) Shaw during his service in WWI and he retained it during ongoing service in the home battalion after the war. In WWII, as Regimental Sergeant Major 1942 – […]

.50 Caliber Round

The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG, 12.7×99mm NATO and designated as the 50 Browning by the C.I.P.) is a .50 in (12.7 mm) caliber cartridge developed for the M2 Browning heavy machine gun in the late 1910s, entering official service in 1921. Under STANAG 4383, it is a standard service cartridge for NATO forces as well […]

Warrant Officer Second Class Super Fine Services Class 1921 -1940 Tunic with Sash

This 1921 – 1940 pattern tunic was worn by the other ranks of the 48th Highlanders, 1st Battalion, and the home battalion, during WWII for non-combat periods.  Shoulder straps were sewn on and fastened with brass buttons, with enough space for a brass regimental shoulder title. Rank insignia was sewn onto the upper tunic sleeves, […]

Sergeants 1921 Pattern Sporran

The sporran, a traditional part of male Scottish Highland dress, is a pouch that performs the same function as pockets on the pocketless kilt. Made of leather or fur, the ornamentation of the sporran is chosen to complement the formality of dress worn with it. The sporran is worn on a leather strap or chain, […]

Pension and Insurance documents – 800114 Pte Hughes, Calvin

3 documents issued to Calvin Hughes after his discharge from the Canadian army. a) letter from Pension Commissioners dated June 20 1919 defining entitlement to a pension following injury during battle, b) Returned Soldiers’ Insurance Receipt dated Aug 28 1923 for payment made by Hughes for insurance, c) form from Department of Pensions and National […]

Standards for Colours – 1892 – 1925

These two wooden standards surmounted by a gilded crown and with gilt/corded “ropes” ending in tassels carried the first Stand of Colours (Sovereign, Regimental) from the date of  their presentation to the 48th Highlanders of their Colours by Lord Stanley in 1892.

RSM (WO1) Thomas Cotton MM

Regimental Sergeant Major 48th Highlanders of Canada 1943-1948 Thomas Cotton joined the 48th Highlanders and was serving as a Sergeant in the Regiment in 1916 when he joined the 134th Battalion 48th Highlanders Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).  He later was transferred to the 4th Battalion CEF and served with them. until the end of the […]

LCol JEF Seagram ED

Commanding Officer, 2nd Battalion 48th Highlanders of Canada 1943-1945 LCol J. E. F. Seagram joined the 48th Highlanders militia battalion in Toronto prior to 1939. He was promoted from Lt. to Captain as Transport Officer in the spring of 1939. When war was declared in early September Captain Seagram was one of the majority of […]