Portable Gramophone

This Gramophone belonged to the officers of No. 3 Company during World War I. It was taken up to the trenches when the Regiment was in the line during trench duty. The officers entertained themselves with it when “Heine” behaved himself and kept quiet. It was taken with the Company into Germany when the Regiment […]

Cpl Arthur V Irwin Tunic

Tunic worn by #28041 Cpl Arthur V Irwin who served until Ypres, April 1915. Although wounded, he survived and served until the armistice. Service chevrons, on the lower arm, were earned for overseas service. Red was earned before 31 December 1914. Blue was after 1 January 1915 every 12 months of service. Shown with tunic: […]

Lt Maitland Fuller Newman Tunic

The tunic of Lt. Maitland Fuller Newman. Shown with Tunic: Patches on shoulder (red rectangle 1st Division/ blue triangle 3rd Brigade); 48th Highlanders circular collar dogs; Lieutenant rank on lower sleeve; canvas satchel; Officers Kit Tag. The tunic still has mud on it from Vimy Ridge. Maitland Fuller Newman arrived as a reinforcement officer to the 15th Battalion […]

799066 Pte Grant, Aubrey Lloyd, 134th Battalion

799066 Grant, Aubrey Lloyd enlisted with the 134th Battalion (48th Highlanders) in Toronto on 12 January 1916. His was born 03 June 1896. He travelled overseas on SS Scotian and remained with the 134th in England until 06 June 1917. The 134th had been designated as a fighting unit for a proposed fifth Canadian Division. […]