LCol G. W. Lougheed, MC, ED

LCol G. W. Lougheed, MC, ED joined the 2nd Battalion, 48th Highlanders in Toronto and is shown in a 1940 newspaper article as one of the 52 officers of the 2nd Battalion who were training for service in the Second World War. (more research tbd for WWI service and awards)

Lt. L. M. Murray

Lt. L. M. Murray joined the 2nd Battalion, 48th Highlanders in Toronto and is shown in a 1940 newspaper article as one of the 52 officers of the 2nd Battalion who were training for service in the Second World War. Lt Murray  was a WWI officer having joined the 134th Battalion, 48th Highlanders in 1916 […]

Major J. C. Maynard, VD

Shortly after war was declared in September 1939 Major J. C. Maynard joined the 2nd Battalion, 48th Highlanders in Toronto and is shown in a 1940 newspaper article as one of the 52 officers of the 2nd Battalion who were training for service in the Second World War. Maynard served in the First World War […]

Gordon Highlanders Canvas Khaki Tunic

The Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordon & Camerons) In 1904 the 48th Highlanders became allied to the Gordon Highlanders. This alliance, first in the British Commonwealth, was proposed by General the Earl of Dundonald as a means of fostering new ties between Britain and the Colonies. The Gordon Highlanders were an old and renown Regiment raised in […]

Lt. J. L. Henderson – 2nd Battalion

Lt. Henderson was a member of the 2nd Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada, one of 52 Officers of the battalion in 1940. His ribbons indicate he had served in WWI.