Sgt. J. R. Cotterill – Portrait – 1906

Sergt. J. R. Cotterill has a portrait in the 48th Highlanders Sgt’s Mess Binder of 1906 Hard cover photo album. Professional portraits of Sergeants active in the 48th Highlanders Battalion in the year 1906. In a red/brown leather hard cover 11 in x 10 in. book page number 52

Helmet issued to the Carrier Platoon 1943

A standard issue metal helmet used by soldiers in the battle field. This design was used by the members of the Carrier platoon of Support Company of the 48th Highlanders. Unlike the standard Canadian and British issue helmet, which was shaped like an inverted soup bowl with a rim, this helmet lacks a rim, making […]

PIAT bomb

A 4 inch by 17 inch PIAT round. Painted brown indicating a low explosive charge meant to injure the armoured unit’s driver but allow the vehicle to be captured by friendly units. The Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) Mk I was a British man-portable anti-tank weapon developed during the Second World War. The PIAT was […]