Sgt. W.S. Farquar CD Medals

6 medals a) General Service Medal with Palestine clasp b) The 1939-1945 Star c) The Burma Star d) The Defence Medal e) The 1939-1945 War Medal f) The Canadian Forces Decoration with Clasp

Sgt Riley JR – Medals

6 medals a) The 1939-1945 Star b) The Italy Star c) The France & Germany Star d) The Defence Medal e) Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp f) The 1939-1945 War Medal

Piper J. Morrison Medals

7 medals a) The 1939-1945 Star b) The Italy Star c) The France & Germany Star d) The Defence Medal e) Canadian Volunteer Service medal with Clasp f) The 1939-1945 War Medal g) Canadian Efficiency Medal (George VI) with Clasp

Sgt. G.F.M. Trapps Medals

5 medals a) the 1939-1945 Star b) The Defence Medal c) Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp d) The 1939-1945 War Medal e) Canadian Efficiency Medal (George VI)

Piper R. Grant Medal

6 medals a)1939-1945 Star b)Italy Star c) Defence Medal d) Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp e) The 1939-1945 War Medal f) Canadian Efficiency Medal (George VI) with Clasp

Maj. TJ Mackie, ED (MID) – Medals

6 medals a) The 1939-45 Star b) The France & German Star c) The Defence Medal d) Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp e) The 1939-1945 War Medal with Mentioned in Dispatches Insignia f) Canadian Efficiency Decoration (GRI)

192073 L/Cpl George Winton – Medals

2 Medals a) British War Medal (1914 – 18) b) Victory Medal (1914 – 18)  and the Canadian Silver Cross sent to his next of kin after his death. The Silver Cross was issued post 1919 and only went to widows and mothers (next of kin) of those who died while in service or after […]