48th Officers Mess Dinner, 1949 March 4

– Menu Mess Supper 48th. Highlanders of Canada Officer’s Mess Friday 4th. March 1949 Inside, Pipe Programme 1st. Set Company Marches 2nd. Set Menu Reverse Committee

Reminder postcard re practice parades for Trooping of Colour, – July 2 1931

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada Trooping The Colour Practice parades for the ceremony at the Coliseum on We., July 15th, will be held at the Armouries at 8.15 p.m. on Thursday, July 9th, (Service dress) and Tuesday, July 14th, (Full dress, scarlet, medals). A,B,C, and D companies will each supply a Guard of 1 […]

Reminder postcard re 48th Church Parade on May 17, 1931

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada Garrison Church Parade – Sunday, May 17th, 1931, at 1.45 p.m. It is most important that every member of the Regiment attend this parade, and YOU are requested to be present. After parade, weather permitting, a photograph of the Regiment will be taken. Dess; Service Order with Kilt, Medals […]

48th Notice of Port Maitland Trip for training -1931 Aug 1

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada Port Maitland Trip Parade: 2.30 p.m. Saturday, August 1st Dress: Parade dress with rifles and side arms. Equipment: Each man must have with him, greatcoat, extra suit underwear, extra pair socks, knife, fork, spoon, plate and cup, night clothes, bathing suit, towel, soap, toothbrush, shaving kit and cleaning materials. […]

Reminder postcard re 48th Summer Camp at Lake Erie – dated June 16th, 1931

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada It has been decided to take the Regiment to camp at Port Maitland, on Lake Erie, for the week-end of Aug, 1st-leaving Toronto, Saturday afternoon, returning Monday evening (Monday being a holiday). Each man volunteering for camp will be asked to subscribe $2.00 towards expenses. This is necessary as […]

Reminder postcard re 48th Parades in1931

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada The Regiment will parade at the Armouries on Friday, September 25th, 1931, at 8.15 p.m. and every Friday thereafter at the same time and place until further notice. Dress-Service Order with Kit. W.W. Southam Capt. Adjt. NOTE-The Annual Regimental Rifle Match will be held at Long Branch on Saturday, […]

Reminder postcard re 48th Officers Dinner for LCol Sinclair – Jan 28th -1932

– Cards 48th Highlanders of Canada January 28, 1932 You are reminded of the Farwell Dinner in the Officers’ Mess to Lieut. Colonel Sinclair on Friday evening, February 5th next. If you intend to be present, please send $2.50 to Captain E.C. Gordon, 372 Bay Street, without delay. You will appreciate the necessity of our […]

48th Parade instructions from Adjt W. Southam – 1932 March 25

– Cards The 48th Highlanders of Canada The Regiment will parade at the Armouries on Friday, April 8th, 1932, at 8.15 p.m. and every Friday thereafter at the same time and place until further notice. Dress:-Service Order with Kilt.   W.W. Southam Capt.-Adjt. March 25th, 1932

48th Officers Mess Activities Spring 1939

– Cards Front 48th Highlanders of Canada Officers’ Mess Activities Spring: 1939 Inside Mess Activities Friday-April 14th 8:30-9:00 Battalion Parade 9:00-9:20 Band Concert 9:30-10:00 Change of Command March Past Presentation of Medals by Lt.-Col. Alexander Friday – April 21st 8:30-9:15 Demonstration of Bren Gun – Mortar and Anti-tank Rifle by R.C.R. Detachment 9:15 – 9:25 […]

48th OCA Election Results, 1946 Jan 8

– Cards 48th Highlanders O.C.A. Election of Officers January 8th, 1946 President – G. Lovegrove H. Ralph Vice-President- J. Woods (Acclamation) Executive – (Seven to be elected) L. Burt, W. Breit, W. Boulding, J. Gunn, D. Goodall, R. Lee, N. McAfee, J. McConnach, G.F. Mackenzie, S. McNeilly, F. North, R. Pennycook, A.A. Scully, J. Shaw, […]