Memo of Instruction, firing party, funeral-1924

Escort, firing party for funeral of Col Hendrie – Documents Toronto, May 28th, 1924 Memorandum of Instructions respecting Escort and Firing Party, Officers and other ranks attending the funeral of the late Colonel William Hendrie from Adjt. 2 pages.

48th Recruit Application form

Blank form – Documents Recruits Application Form 48th Highlanders of Canada Date All details must be given in BLOCK letters Name, address, business address, Phone,  DOB, Country, Marital status, Occupation, Religion, Previous Service, Qualifications, Name, relationship and address of Next of Kin Medical Examination  

Reinforcement Training Record – Pte Hamilton J W -1941

– Documents M.F.M. 105 100M-5.1 (481) H.Q. 1772-39-1797 Reinforcement Training Record Belonging to Regt. No. B-74336 Name. Hamilton J.W. Unit 48th Highlanders of Can. Rank Private No. of weeks training completed. General standard attained. (a) Military efficiency                (b) Conduct (c) Leadership                […]

48th Remembrance Service Holland-1980 April 30

– Program 48th Highlanders of Canada Forty-eighth Highlanders All!   Here we leave this place of Solemn remembrance, let us pause to remember why we, as Highlanders, have come to this place. Here lies our Commanding Officer Col. MacKenzie, of honoured memory. Here lie the men of the Regiment who stood shoulder to shoulder with […]

8th Army Personal Message from Comdr.-1943 Sept

– Documents Eight Army Personal Message from the Army Commander To be read out to all Troops       Having captured SICILY as our first slice of the Italian home country, the time has now come to carry the battle on to the mainland of Italy.      To the Eight Army has been […]

8th Army Personal Message from Comdr.-1944 Oct

– Documents Personal Message from the Army Commander This message is to say good-bye to you all. My orders to take over an Army Group came at short notice; this makes it impossible for me to see you and thank you personally. You have fought your way in nine months from Cassino to Florence, from […]

48th OCA Press Release, 70th Ann Reunion-1961

70th Ann. Reunion – Documents To All Members of the C.W.N.A. to the Editor from Duncan M. Sinclair   Press Release 48th Highlanders To Hold Re-Union Gala Reunion and welcome home to all former members of the Regiment, to be held in Toronto on 2nd, 3rd and 4th of June 1961. Friday June 2nd, members […]

48th Regimental Picnic Sports events-1923 Sept 1

– Invitations / Programs 48th Highlanders of Canada Allied with Gordon Highlanders Regimental Picnic Held at Benvenuto, Toronto Saturday, Sept. 1st, 1923 Programme of Sports and Events The Regimental Brass and Pipe Bands in attendance. Inside Programme Sports Races, Tattoo and exhibition of Highland Dancing. By kind permission of Lt.-Col. C.C.K. Clowes, D.S.O., London Scottish […]

48th Annual Rifle Match Program,1926 Oct 2

– Program Annual Rifle Matches 48th Highlanders of Canada Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 1926 Commencing at 1.30 p.m. Long Branch Rifle Ranges Rifle Committee Capt. D.D. MacLeod, President Lt. W.R. Catto, Sec.-Treas. Capt. T. Banton C.S.M. T. Young Lt. S.W. Graham Sgt. G.M. Emslie Sgt. J. Buick Cars leave the Humber every 20 minutes. Matches Inside […]

48th Annual Rifle Match Program- 1924 Sept 27

– Program Programme Annual Rifle Matches 48th Highlanders Saturday, Sept. 27th. 1924 Commencing at 1.00 P.M. Long Branch Rifle Ranges Cars leave the Humber Terminal on the hour and every 20 minutes thereafter. Inside First-The Davidson Match Second-Tyro Match Third -Fourth-Fifth Sixth-Extra Series Aggregate Seventh – Macdonald Cup Eighth-Wilson Cup Ninth-Cosby Challenge Shield Reverse Side […]