Sgt Church JR (Jack), MM

Military Medal (MM)

On the night of 10/11 December 44 “A” Company of the 48th Highlanders of Canada led the Battalion attack across the LAMONE RIVER AT MR 413348.  B108561 Private (Acting Corporal) John Richard CHURCH commanded the leading section of the leading platoon.

The enemy on the opposite bank had numerous machine guns, and were excellently sited to pick off our men as the breasted the bank on our side.  Corporal CHURCH , however, at 2130 hours, led across the bank, down to the water under a withering hail of lead all the time, and into the assault boats and across the river.  Here he had to scale a 30 foot dyke to get at the enemy at the top; such was the vigour and determination of the rush with which he led his section, however that they they stormed the top, and killed or captured the entire crews of 4 machine gun posts.  Barely pausing, and now under a hail of mortar and shell fire, this NCO then advanced out into the enemy territory to clear the area in from of the dyke.

While advancing, the secant was met by a counter-attack force of at least 16 Germans.  Corporal Church immediately led is men in an assault against this force, routing and dispersing them.  He himself in hand-to hand encounter, killed 4 enemy with his Tommy gun. Then his magazine empty he was charged by the 5th. Grasping his weapon by the barrel, Corporal CHURCH struck this German a tremendous blow with the butt, which felled and killed him.

In this action, Corporal CHURCH and his section killed 11 and captured 5 of the enemy.  Their success was due in large measure to the fearless leadership and superb personal example given by this NCO.  As a result, the rapid and successful establishment of the crossing and initial bridgehead by his company was assured.

48th First Bn (WW 2)
Service number
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