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Sgt Butterfield GL, DCM*,MM (MID)

“Decorations….I don’t believe in them. Soldiers in the front lines share a common danger. They all take the same risks. It’s mainly circumstances that determine which men are decorated and which are not. That’s why I’d just as soon we did without them.”

Sgt George Butterfield, Scout Platoon, 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders)


Following a brief stay with the 14th Battalion, he was TOS of the 15th Battalion just prior to the battle of Mount Sorrel on 14 May 1916 and posted to the Intelligence Section where he remained for the duration of the war.

Sgt Butterfield was wounded in action twice, the last time coming late in October 1918 and it ended his war. He was awarded the DCM “for gallantry and bravery worthy of the highest commendation” as well as being Mentioned in Dispatches (Sir Douglas Haig) for his actions on 9 April 1917 during the attack on Vimy and the follow-on actions later that same month.

He was also awarded the MM for “leadership & daring worthy of the highest praise and conduct of the finest example to his men” for actions during a raid in the area of Hill 70 on 8 February 1918

Finally, Sgt Butterfield was awarded a bar to the DCM  for “gallantry which cannot be too highly praised “during the battle of the Canal du Nord on 27 September 1918.

Sniping School at Pernes described him as “ a good and useful man” which given his exploits during the war, would prove to be very much an understatement.

Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

RO 3356 – 28-9-1917 and  LG 30389 dated 190-Nov-17

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in twice conveying valuable information to HQ after and attack through a heavy barrage.  Hearing that a small body of the enemy were making their way toward HQ, he rushed towards them with HQ men and drove them back with bombs to their own lines.



Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

Bar to the Distinguished Conduct Medal to Sgt Butterfield GA            15th Battalion (48th Highlanders) Scout Platoon

LG 31225 dated 12-3-19

For marked courage and initiative.  He was sent forward with a party of Scouts to locate crossings which the engineers for us over the Canal/Agache River.  He led his party across a hundred yards of open ground under machine gun fire and made a temporary crossing over the Agache River with some planks. Later when the advance was  being held up,  with four men fought his way out to a flank and finally with great gallantry reached two posts and disposed of the Garrison. Throughout the day he did admirable work.

Mention in Dispatches (MID)

The King has been graciously pleased to approve the award ofMentions in Despatches to Pte GL Butterfield, 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders of Canada)

LG 30107 dated 10/8/20 (Haig’s Dispatch)


Private Butterfield joined the 15th Battalion in July 1916 and  since then has done continuous service and always carrying out his work in a most faithful and unerring manner.

He was attached to the Intelligence Section soon after his arrival and his work with the section has been uniformly exemplary. His disregard for personal danger has been of great value to his command, and through his consistent devotion duty has in many cases obtained great praise from his officers.

Pte Butterfield has on many occasions carried on his work in patrolling under the most adverse conditions, at which times he exhibited marked ability.

His information has always proved to be reliable and of great assistance to his unit on occasions where enemy identifications were required.

15th Bn (WW 1)
Service number
Previous unit
14th Bn
Date of attestation
Date Taken on Strength
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