Major DG (Pappy) Renwick, CD

Signals NCO – 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders (1939-1945)

Captain/Major The Royal Canadian Regiment (1950-1969)

Major Renwick was born in Lanarkshire Scotland and came to Canada at an early age. His military career began in July 1937 when he was 16.   He joined the local Lincoln and Welland Regiment (NPAM) at the suggestion of the local Chief of Police.  In August 1939, his unit was mobilized in defence of the Welland Canal.  In November 1939 his unit was relieved of canal duty, and he transferred to Active Service joining the 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada at the CNE Horse Palace.

He landed at Pachino, on 10-Jul-43 as the B Company signaller.  He along with a number of other B Coy “38er” had the regimental badge tattooed on the side of their right knee positioned so that the falcon’s head would show above their housetops.   During the Italy campaign, he remained with Signals, being promoted Corporal and becoming the CO’s signaller.   In March 1945 he left Italy to return to England for officer training. Major After the war he went back to the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, where he was commissioned in 1947.

In September 1950 Major Renwick volunteered for the Special Force for Korea and was posted to 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment.  January 1951 saw him take command of 9 Platoon C Company, the platoon he would lead in Korea.   His platoon was the first Canadian unit to see action in this conflict, and was the source of his nickname “Pappy”.   At 31 years of age, he was ten years older than the other platoon commanders in the company.   

Major Renwick returned to Canada in May 1952 and went to Germany in September 1953 still with 2RCR.   He then served in staff positions in British Columbia and at Army Headquarters in Ottawa. In October 1961 he returned to Regimental duty as a Company Commander with 2RCR. October 1967 saw what was to have been a relaxing year with UNTSO in the Middle East erupt into the 6-Day War.  He retired in London, Ontario.

48th First Bn (WW 2)
Service number
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