Portrait of Pte Thomas Moore in field dress with 48th Highlanders glengarry.

Pte. MOORE, Thomas

B72607 Pte T. Moore enlisted with the 48th Highlanders of Canada in Toronto and left Toronto with the 1st Battalion by CN train for Halifax. The battalion embarked on the Reina del Pacifico on 18 December 1939 as part of the 1st Canadian Contingent. They disembarked 31 December 1939 at Gourock, Scotland. Moore remained with the 1st Battalion in England and sailed with the battalion on H. M. Troopship Derbyshire on 14 June 1943 bound for the landings at Pachino, Sicily on 10 July 1943. The order records that the City of Venice, part of the convoy, was sunk by a German submarine. Pte Moore served with the battalion through Sicily and Italy and hospitalized prior to the battalion’s move from the Arielli River to the Liri Valley. He was discharged from 2 Div 1CCD (hospital) on 19 May 1944 and Struck of Strength of the 1st Battalion X4 list to the X9 list as “unfit” on 15 June 1944. Moore left Italy on 27 February 1945 for England then arrived in Canada on 22 March 1945. He was discharged 01 June 1945.

After the war, Moore returned to England with his wife and two sons where he remained until his death. After the war he was a founding member of the Croyden + Sutton Canadian Veterans Association in the UK, receiving a Life Membership award from Canadian Veterans Association UK for his work.

NOK: Mrs. Marie Thompson – friend – 121 Hamilton Street, Toronto

48th First Bn (WW 2)
Service number
Cemetery or memorial country

Data source(s)

Museum Archive Documents
Pt 2 Orders NOK listing
Family Member/Archives
Details after leaving the 48th Highlanders provided by son from service records
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