At 0930 hrs 26 Dec 43 enemy paratroops, about one battalion in strength attacked A Coy, The 48th Highlanders of Canada at MR 305164.
During the heavy shell and mortar fire which preceded the attack, the Coy Commander was injured and contact could not be made with any of the platoon commanders, CSM Keeler at once took command of the Coy HQ area and with the greatest courage, skill and resolution, directed the defence. He personally accounted for several Germans, maintained contact with the HQ over the wireless and directed the fire and the supporting artillery to within 100 yards of his own troops with devastating effects upon the enemy.
Through CSM Keeler’s brilliant leadership, personal courage and bold determination this powerful German attack was beaten off with heavy losses until at 1200 hrs a troop of tank came up to support the company and he was relieved by an officer.,