At approximately 10 PM on 16 April 1941 after and air raid, Pte Gibb assisted a rescue squad in its efforts to rescue a woman buried under debris. Pte Gibb for about three hours and at great personal risk held up a large mass of debris that could not otherwise be propped up and which if left would have made it impossible to effect a rescue. Pte Gibb stood astride the woman and supported the debris with his shoulders. His conduct on this occasion is deserving of the highest commendation.
Note 1: Pte Gibb was invested on 23 Feb 43 in England. CG3 9/1/43 page 2
Note 2.Pte Gibb was also commended for this action being awarded a commendation by the Senior Combatant Officer, Canadian Army in UK – published in CA RO 893 page 2 dated 13-Aug-41