Visit the 15th Battalion CEF memorial project website to learn more about the 15th, 92nd and 134th Battalions in WW 1
Lt Melbourne Parker Neily, MC

Lt. Melbourne Parker Neily, MC

Parker was born December 20th, 1890 at Middleton, Nova Scotia.

He enlisted initially with the Canadian Army Medical Corps on September 23rd, 1914 at Valcartier Camp. At that time, he was 23 years old with his occupation listed as that of a druggist. Standing 5 feet 11 inches, he was described as having a fair complexion, with light blue eyes, and fair hair.

Parker was taken on strength of the 15th Battalion on August 14th, 1916. During his time, the battalion was involved in action at the Somme and preparing for Vimy Ridge. As an officer, he was one of the leaders in the (pre Vimy) Calonne Raid which was undertaken 0n February 27th-28th, 1917. The purpose was to seek prisoners and retribution for an earlier enemy raid that saw one of their own captured.

This successful, but costly, nocturnal raid saw three German prisoners captured and damage inflicted on the enemy. The cost was one officer wounded (Neily), 12 other ranks wounded, and 7 other ranks killed.

Neily was awarded the Military Cross, along with his fellow officer, Lt. Reeves. Military Medals were awarded to NCO’s and other ranks, L/Sgt. Wright, Sgt. F A Smith(died), L/Cpl Mosley, and Pte. Thornber.

Parker was shot thru the arms by two rifle bullets, causing some muscular and radial nerve damage. This basically removed him to medical care for the rest of the war.

He survived the war unscathed, returning to Canada aboard SS Baltic from Liverpool to Halifax and was demobilized at Toronto on May 8th, 1919. He was well remembered by his good friend, Capt. Andrew Samuel who kept in touch with him post war.

Military Cross (MC)

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of a raiding party, although severely wounded on entering the enemy trench, he continued to direct operations, and later effected a skillful withdrawal. He set a splendid example of courage and determination throughout.

15th Bn (WW 1)
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Email July 26, 2003
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