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Lieutenant John C Kay

Maj John Kay, MC

1. Personal

Born: 1892-07-29 at Toronto, Ontario
NOK: Mother; Annie (Hay) Kay
Father; John Bryce Kay
NOK Address: 65 St George Street, Toronto
Address: not stated, (same as NOK)
Marital Status: single
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Previous military service: yes, 48th Highlanders of Canada Reg’t

2. Enlistment

Mobilized: 1914-08-12 with 48th Highlanders Reg’t at Toronto
Enlisted: 1914-09-20 at Valcartier, Quebec
Coy/Photo: D Coy // yes
Physical: 22 years 3 months, 5 feet 11.5 inches, chest 37+4, 160 lb
Description: dark complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair
Religion: Presbyterian

3. Service

1914-08-29: 48th Highlanders Reg’t proceeded from Long Branch Camp to Valcartier Camp by train
10-03/14: Sailed with the 15th Bn as part of the First Canadian Contingent aboard SS Megantic, from Quebec City to Devonport. Trained at Lark Hill, Salisbury Plain
1915-01-15: All Bn’s of the Cdn Contingent were ordered to reorganize on a four company basis.
02-05: Imperial War Establishment adopted for battalion manpower. Circa this date, transferred to Base Coy, 15th Bn & attached to 17th Bn, Cdn Training Brigade, Tidworth
05-02: Base Coy is recalled from Tidworth & departed for France from Folkestone
05-28: Joined 15th Bn at Vlamertinghe. Assigned to B Company
11-15: ILL, Bronchitis at Kortepyp Huts. Admitted to 1st Fd Amb
11-19: Now diagnosed with Influenza. Transferred to Officers DRS, Mont Noir.
12-02: Rejoined 15th Bn at Kortepyp Huts
12-03: Granted seven days’ leave to UK
12-09: ILL, Influenza & debility, while on leave. Reported to Caxton Hall, London. Found unfit for duty due illness. Granted three weeks’ convalescent leave.1916-01-03: Found fit for service by Medical Board at London
01-09: Rejoined 15th Bn in front line near Ypres
01-22 to 02-01: Attached to 1st Divisional School for instruction
03-11: Attached to 3rd Coy CMGC for duty
05-04/14: Granted leave to UK
11-01/12: Granted leave to UK
1917-01-15: Attached to the newly formed 13th Coy, CMGC & appointed OC at Flovingham. Promoted to Captain, ref LG 30541
01-19: Appointed A/Major while in command of 13th Coy. 13th Coy attached to the CMGC School for instruction.
02-16: 13th Coy inspected by Cdn Corps GOC Sir Julien Byng
02-22: 13th Coy ceased to be attached for instruction & moved to Barlin
04-09: For actions on this date at Vimy Ridge, is recommended for the MC. Awarded MiD, per Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatches, Ref LG 30107/5426
05-26: Awarded MC for actions at Vimy Ridge, ref RO 1236 Currie
06-03/15: Granted leave to UK
06-30: Ceased to be attached, now posted to 13th Coy CMGC
07-01: Attached to CMGC School, Camiers for instruction
07-26: Rejoined 13th Coy CMGC at Fosse Two, Lens. Award of MC announced, ref LG 30204 & 30280
11-23 to 12-09: Granted leave to UK
1918-02-22: Confirmed in rank as Major, ref LG 30677
03-19: 13th Coy is absorbed into 1st Bn CMGC as 2nd Coy
04-01: ILL, Pneumonia & swollen feet at Telegraph Hill. Admitted to 3rd Fd Amb (WDR)
04-02: Transferred to 8th CCS, on “Dangerously Ill” list
04-13: Transferred to 42nd CCS
04-25: Transferred to 20th GH
04-27: Invalided sick to England aboard HS Stad Antwerpen.Attached to CMGC GD, Seaford for administration. Admitted to Royal Free GH, Grey’s Inn Road, London
05-27: Removed from “Dangerously Ill” list & transferred to Matlock Baths CH, Bath
06-22: Medical Board at Bath found he continued to have problems with swollen feet & chest pains. Not fit for general service for four weeks. Classified Cat D.
06-29: Discharged to duty & attached to Officers Casualty Coy, TWS, Bexhill as Cat D
08-21: Classified Cat C1, fit for training, by Medical Board at Bexhill.
08-30: Ceased to be attached to TWS. Now posted to CMGC GD, Seaford, having been absent from 1st Bn CMGC for greater than four months.
10-24: Medical Board at Seaford found that for the past two months, had been taking part in active training with troops. His condition had greatly improved & he had no complaints. Classified Cat A. Ceased to be attached, now posted to CMGC GD, Seaford as an instructor
11-21: Ceased to be attached to CMGC GD as an instructor. TOS CMGC Corps Depot, Seaford & granted indefinite leave to Canada
11-23/28: RT Canada aboard SS Aquitania from Southampton to Halifax. TOS MD 2, Ottawa & assigned to Casualty Coy
12-05: Admitted to Fleming CH, Ottawa with Pneumonia & Influenza. Transferred to St Luke’s GH, Ottawa
12-15: Died of Influenza at St Luke’s GH, Ottawa.

Commemorated: First World War Book of Remembrance at pg 439
Royal Cdn Yacht Club Memorial, Toronto
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church RoH, Toronto
University of Toronto, Soldiers Tower

4. Recognition

Medals: 1914-15 Star, BWM & VM. Memorial Cross to mother
Awards/Commendations: MC & MiD

5. Other Information

Brother-in-law of Major Eric Norman Armour & of Lt Angus William Roe Sinclair

Photo source: VAC Virtual Memorial, with further sources as noted there

Military Cross (MC)

For actions at Vimy Ridge

Militia / Reserve Bn, 15th Bn (WW 1)
Service number
Date of attestation
20-Sep-1914 (CEF)
Date Taken on Strength
Died of illness
Date of death
Cemetery or memorial name
Grave or panel reference
12. Lot 116.
Cemetery or memorial country
Age on date of death
Cause of death
Influenza and pneumonia

Data source(s)

Service Records
LAC File RG150, 1992-93/166, Box 5010-04
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