Regimental Sergeant Major William Crossley joined the 48th Highlanders of Canada as a Warrant Officer (Class II) on the outbreak of War in September, 1939.
While the Battalion was stationed in England, RSM Crossley was successively Company Sergeant Major of a rifle company, Headquarters Company and Support Company, and on numerous occasions acted as Regimental Sergeant Major. He landed on D-Day in Sicily as Regimental Sergeant Major and in that capacity has continued to serve with distinction.
In training periods his example and qualifications as a disciplinarian and instructor have gone far to preparing the Battalion for subsequent action. In battle his task is to supervise the constant flow of ammunition and other vital necessities. To do this RSM Crossley frequently ventured much farther forward than actual duty called for. As a result of his efforts and unfailing devotion in the interests of his Battalion, however the forward troops have never at any time suffered for lack of these vital articles.
During the whole of his service with the Battalion, particularly during the Gothic Line and Lamone River battles this Warrant Officer has been of inestimable value. Within his own sphere he has made a very great contribution towards building up the discipline, morale and fighting spirit he has maintained in action. His lengthly service in His Majesty’s Forces, combined with a high sense of duty, loyalty and discipline have made RSM Crossley a most outstanding soldier in the Canadian Army.
Canada Gazette No. 27 dated 7-Jun-45 p 2930