B147317 Pte Dunsford, J. E. R.

“B63681 J.E.R. Dunsford, was wounded 27 Oct 44 while with the 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada in Italy.

The battalion had just taken Rimini and from 10 October, for 33 days, they chased the Germans fighting the mud as well. They used a tactic that the CO called “winkling”. A quote from one of our histories said: “From 10 October, they fought the mud, and chased the Germans, thirty-nine kilometres in thirty-three days. Eighty-three casualties were the cost, in sporadic fighting. The Germans delayed with every trick they could. The 48th met them with a narrow-front, leapfrogging tactic that pushed aside light opposition, brought more force to bear when needed, by-passed pockets when they could and used the mortars, machine guns and anti-tank guns of their Support Platoon at every turn.”

NOK: Mrs M. Dunford, Toronto

48th Second Bn (WW 2)
Service number

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Family Member/Archives
Richard Lucas: email moonraker_publications@msn.com "My birth father who I have never met served with the 48th Highlanders during World War Two. All I know is his name and a few scant facts. He was in the UK at the end of the war for sure, his service finished in NW Europe. He was certainly wounded before that maybe in Italy, The situation regarding my link to him is not straight forward and certainly I have never met him. His name was Alwyn James Roy Dunsford. His wife’s name was Edith and I understand they or she lived in Dundas Street Toronto. They certainly had a son who I believe was named Norman. Whilst still married to Edith he met my mother in England and they married on the understanding that he had divorced Edith. The result of that marriage produced myself and my sister. It was discovered that he in fact had not divorced (several attempts were made). Bearing in mind it was a different world then, the marriage was dissolved and he returned to Canada. . It is hard to tie down when he went back to Canada but I do know that he initially went back to get demobbed !! He came back to England in February 1946 but I cannot find out when he went back for demobbing, I do know that he was trying to get divorced and that travel was restricted back to England at that time so I suppose it could have been several months that he was in Canada. His daughter (My sister) was born on 28th January 1946 and she was only a few weeks old when Al arrived back in the UK. I do know that he joined the Canadian Police when he eventually went back to Canada after I was born April 15th 1947. I think it may even have been the Mounted Police but that has not been verified.
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