The Globe and Mail 7th May 1945

A 24 inch by 34 inch quad-fold newspaper of the Globe and Mail Ontario Edition 7th May 1945 with headline “WAR END MATTER OF HOURS” The photograph shows the German Delegation signing the instrument of surrender of the entire German military forces world-wide at the close of the Second World War. The signing took place […]

Flask for Rum rations – WWII

A 3.5 inch by 4.5 inch iron flask used as an individual container for emergency rum rations issued to all 48th personnel prior to their embarkation to France in June 1940. Presented by CSM Clem Burdis.

Wartime Balmoral – Brown

A brown wartime balmoral often worn during active duty and carried in a pocket when wearing a helmet. This particular balmoral was owned by RSM Frank Jamieson.

German Straight Razor

A standard German issue 7 inch by 1 inch straight razor, engraved with ERN and Wald / Solingen on the blade. This razor could have been an item collected from a German soldier, or purchased pre-war. It was carried and used by CQMS Herb Pike of the 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada during the […]

Escape Kit – Issued for landings at Pachino, Sicily

An escape kit consisting of a small “button” compass, a file enclosed in rubber, maps printed on silk to be worn as a scarf or secreted inside the uniform and a small sum of Italian Lire and French Francs. This kit was issued to certain select personnel on board the HMS Derbyshire en route to […]

4 pack of Alertness Drugs

A 2.5 inch by 4 inch blister pack of 4 Alertness tablets, issued to Canadian soldiers in WWII. The “Line” drugs are believed to be manufactured by Smith, Kline, and French in the UK. As a performance war in reaction to the German drug enhancement program of World War II. As early as 1919, Akira […]

Malaria pamphlet – 1943

A 4.5 inch by 7 inch brown pamphlet on malaria causes, effects and how to deal with this issue. Malaria was a significant issue for Canadian soldiers in the Mediterranean, for the 48th Highlanders particularly in Sicily at a temporary rest camp near the town of Militello. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite. […]

Infantry Roll Book

A 3.25 inch by 5 inch brown canvas bound notebook. In this note book the owner kept track of how many rounds were issued to each soldier. Most likely this person was the Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant or Section commander.

Helmet issued to the Carrier Platoon 1943

A standard issue metal helmet used by soldiers in the battle field. This design was used by the members of the Carrier platoon of Support Company of the 48th Highlanders. Unlike the standard Canadian and British issue helmet, which was shaped like an inverted soup bowl with a rim, this helmet lacks a rim, making […]

Commanding Officer’s Jeep Flag

An 8.5 inch by 16 inch blue cotton flag with a red falcon. Carried by the Commanding Officer to indicate his whereabouts – whether at rest, on the move (flown from his jeep) or in action. Presented by Major Donald A. Banton