Museum Knowledge Base
Home page and ‘browse artifacts’ display options
At the top and bottom of the Home page are carousels that present a selection of “items” and “soldiers” to the visitor. It is important that the selection be constantly varied so that visitors do not get the same view of the site for months or years. It is important to keep the site ‘fresh.’
On both the “Edit item” and “Edit soldier” screens there is a field called “Display options.” Note that this field is only available to ‘Administrators’ and ‘Editors.’ Display options can also be edited on the item listings.
”Soldiers” can only be displayed at the top of the Home Screen but “items” can be displayed:
- at the top of the Home Screen,
- the bottom of the Home Screen or
- on the “Browse featured artefacts” screen – or any combination of these three.
Only “soldiers” or “items” where the “featured image” has been set should be displayed.
The following limitations must be observed:
- There can be no more than 12 items / soldiers scrolling at the top of the Home screen. There can be more than this number selected for display but only 12 (selected by date published) will appear on the Home page.
- There can be no more than 25 items scrolling at the bottom of the Home screen. There can be more than this number selected for display but only 25 will appear on the Home page.
- There can be no more than 500 items selected for display on the “Browse featured artifacts” screen.