Search results (Artifacts only)

WO Code No. 8717 Detection and Clearance of Mines Part 1

Detection and Clearance of Mines Part 1 (All Arms) administration. Publication no: WO Code No. 8717 Series: Field Engineering and Mine Warfare Volume: Pamphlet
Books & manuals

WO Code No. 8890 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pamphlet #2

Infantry Platoon Weapons Pamphlet #2 Fieldcraft (All Arms) Publication no: WO Code No. 8890 Series: Infantry Training Volume: Vol. 1 Type: Post WWII Booklets
Books & manuals

WO Code No. 8890 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pamphlet #2 Fieldcraft

Infantry Platoon Weapons Pamphlet #2 Fieldcraft (All Arms) Publication no: WO Code No. 8890 Series: Infantry Training Volume: Vol. 1 Type: Post WWII Booklets
Books & manuals

WO Cyril L. Shaw as young man

A 2.5 inch by 3 inch sepia photograph of WO Cyril L. Shaw as young man inside Dileas owned by WO Cyril L. Shaw

WO Cyril L. Shaw Later in Life

photo WO Cyril L. Shaw later in life inside Dileas owned by WO Cyril L. Shaw

WO Dehare POW

four men in uniform

WO. H.J.Wignall – Old Comrades Membership card

brown leather folder containing membership card for WO H. J. Wignall.   Old Comrades member for 1965
Personal, Memorabilia

WO1 (RSM) S Montgomery MM CD Miniatures

10 Medals a) Military Medal b) The 1939-1945 Star c) The Italy Star d) The France & Germany Star e) The Defence Medal f)

WOII Barron VC


Wolsley Helmet

Card: “Wolsley Helmet Officers Pattern 1910-1914 (Col. C.W. Darling) worn with Tartan Pugaree and Cap Badge”; (48th Buckle Badge – red background; Davidson tartan

Wolsley Helmet – 1910 – 1914

Wolsley helmet with khaki cover and  chin straps On card “Wolsley helmet 1910-1914. White helmet with field cover worn without a cap badge by

Woman decorates 48th graves sight
