Search results (Artifacts only)

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Two Officers on Range

Roll 3 Aldershot Ranges – Two 48th Officers on Aldershot Ranges, One with rain gear on, one with great coat

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – View of Lake & sailboat

Roll 5 Garden Party & Route Marches – View of Lake and Sailboat

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – View of Ship at docks

Roll 1 Departure from Canada – View of ship at docks in Halifax Harbour

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – View through Rigging

Roll 2 On Board Ship Crossing The Atlantic View through rigging of Reina Del Pacifico two ships behind

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – waves break over ship

Roll 2 On Board Ship Crossing The Atlantic Wave breaking over ship

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Wedding Cake

Roll 3 Lt. Donald MacKenzie’s Wedding- Wedding Cake

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Wedding Cake

Roll 3 Lt. Donald MacKenzie’s Wedding – Wedding Cake

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Wedding Guests Chatting

Roll 3 Lt. Donald MacKenzie’s Wedding- Wedding guests chatting

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Winter Scene

Roll 4 Corunna & Training Winter Scene outside Corunna Barracks

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Winter Scene

Roll 4 Corunna & Training Winter Scene with Gas Light

1st Bn 48th Highlanders – Work Party

Roll 5 Garden Party & Route Marches – Work Party marching outside, tent and car in background

1st Bn 48th Highlanders -Halifax harbour

roll 1 Departure from Canada Halifax Harbour – 1st Bn on route to England