Front and back of program for Garrison Church Parade

Toronto Garrison Church Parade -1952 June 1

– Program

Garrison Church Parade (Protestant)

Toronto Garrison Order of Service

Sunday, 1 June, 1952 1500 Hours

(3 p.m.) Front Campus University of Toronto

Order of Service

  1. O Canada
  2.  Opening Sentences – Capt W. McBride, Chaplain (P) Toronto Scottish Regt.
  3. Hymn – “Unto the Hills”
  4. General Confession
  5. The Absolution – Rev. N.A. Ballard., DSO RCN (R) Chaplain HMCS “York”
  6. Responsive Reading – Psalm 91 – Capt. W.J. Lennox Chaplain (P) 32 FD Regt. (SP), RCA
  7. The Lesson – Romans X111- Major General H.D. Graham, CBE,DSO,ED GOC Central Command
  8. Hymn – Fight the Good Fight
  9. Prayers S/L W. Surman, Chaplain (P) RCAF Station, Toronto
  10. The Lord’s Prayer
  11. The Last Post  One Minute Silence Reveille
  12. Hymn – “O God, our help”
  13. The Address – Lt.-Col. J.W. Forth, MBE, CD Command Chaplain (P) Central Command
  14. The National Anthem
  15. The Blessing – Major S.B. East, MBE, MC Representing the Veterans

Note: Reverend Norman Ballard won his Distinguished Service Order in Italy while serving with the 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders.

Major Stewart East was awarded the MBE and MC for his actions at the Hitler Line in Italy while he was Padre of the 1st Battalion, 48th Highlanders

Associated place
Front Campus University of Toronto
Associated event
Services / General
Associated name(s)
Capt W. McBride, Chaplain (P) Toronto Scottish Regt.
Rev. N.A. Ballard., DSO RCN (R) Chaplain HMCS “York”
Capt. W.J. Lennox Chaplain (P) 32 FD Regt. (SP), RCA
Major General H.D. Graham, CBE,DSO,ED GOC Central Command
S/L W. Surman, Chaplain (P) RCAF Station, Toronto
Lt.-Col. J.W. Forth, MBE, CD Command Chaplain (P) Central Command

1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related


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