Front side of Pte T.H. Banton portrait, photo behind glass, portrait frame is made of wood.

Portrait of Private T. H. Banton

Sepia photo portrait of Private T.H. Banton in a suit and wearing pince-nez glasses, in a wood frame, on the back is a printed page excerpt from the book “Paardeberg, 27 February 1900” and is page number 181, the page includes a story about Private T.H. Banton during the Second Boer War, his name is highlighted with a yellow highlighter on the paper, also included is a quote from Private T.H. Banton about him searching for wounded after the Battle at Paardeberg and recalling what he witnessed and how traumatic he found it. The text of this story, as printed, is “Dead and wounded lay scattered across the field, and the Boers continued to fire at any movement. After nightfall the Canadians collected their casualties and withdrew to the area of the drift. Private T.H. Banton of the RCR volunteered to search for the wounded and remembered being ‘out all night until four the next morning, when I laid down, played out. I never want to witness such terrible sights as I saw that night again.’ There could be no accurate assessment of the losses until daylight, but the first count was not encouraging; fully half the battalion was absent. The crowded field hospital about a mile behind the lines was already busy with the wounded from the long day spent under fire on the open veldt and Private F.H. Dunham from Toronto, who visited the hospital a few days later, remembered it as a terrible place:”


Associated place
Associated event
Boer War, Charge of the Canadians at the Paardeberg
Associated name(s)
Private T.H. Banton
1891 – 1913 Early years
Location of artifact
Research room – To be determined


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