paybook of Sgt. William Walker 1914

Paybook, Sgt W. Walker 1914 Sept 22

Regt. #27698. – Documents

Wm Walker Sergt.

F. Coy 48th Highlanders

Pay Book for use on Active Service

Regiment or Corps. 48th Highlanders

Squadron, Battery, or Company F Co

Page 2

No. 27698 Rank Sergt.

Name in Full William Walker

Date of Attestation 22nd September 1914

Religious Persuasion Presbyterian

If serving in a unit of the Active Militia prior to Mobilization, the designation of such unit should be clearly stated here –

48th Highlanders

Note.- The account of the soldier while on active service will be kept in the Office of the Paymaster at the Base, and to that Officer all communications relating to his accounts should be addressed.

Page 3

Daily Rates of –

Pay  $1.35

Field Allowance $.15

Total 1.50

Deduct stoppages on account of assigned pay, amount per month  25.00

Wm Walker Signature of Soldier

[Signature unreadable] Paymaster

Page 5

Particulars of

Next of Kin Mrs. J.R. Walker

and address 229 Robert St. Toronto, Ont

2. Person to whom Assigned pay is payable Wife, Mrs. J.R. Walker

and address 229 Robert St. Toronto, Ont

Children (if any), number, age and sex

1 boy 3 years

1 girl 1 year

1 girl Oct 7th 1914

Signature of Officer or Man Wm Walker

Book opens on Feb 1 1915. (For the Daily Rate of Pay see page 3 and 4, and Note on page 6.)

If the soldier was in debt on the above date the amount to be recovered from the next pay due to him should be stated.  1.50

Cash Payments


Feb, Mar Apr.

Page 14.


In event of my death I give the whole of my property and effects to

Mrs. Jessie R. Walker

229 Robert St. Toronto, Ont

William Walker

Sergt No 27698

Oct 9th, 1914.

Associated place
Toronto, On
Associated event
Documents / General
Associated name(s)
1914 – 1919 (WW 1)
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Other, Event related
Linked name(s)


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