Order of Service on the occasion of the Unveiling of Tablets in memory of Lieutenant Maurice Edward Malone 48th Highlanders, 15th Battalion C.E.F. and Lieutenant Frederick John Gooch 6th Battery, 2nd Brigade C.F.A. C.E.F.

Order of Service, Unveiling of Tablet, Lt Malone 1-1917, Nov

– Program

Order of Service

on the occasion of the Unveiling of Tablets in memory of

Lieutenant Maurice Edward Malone

48th Highlanders, 15th Battalion C.E.F.

Killed leading his men in a charge near Zillebeke, Flanders, June 3rd. 1916. Aged 21 years.

Lieutenant Frederick John Gooch

6th Battery, 2nd Brigade, C.F.A. C.E.F.

Killed in the discharge of his duties as Forward  Observing Officer for the Brigade, at the capture of Hill 70, near Lens, in France, August 15th, 1917. Aged 25 years.

St. Paul’s Church Bloor Street East, Toronto

Sunday, November 11th, 1917 at 11 o’clock

Rector: Ven. Archdeacon Cody, D.D., LL.D.

Churchwardens: Shirley Denison, K.C., and M.L. Davies.

Organist and Choirmaster: Healey Willan, F.R.C.O.


Organ Prelunde, Hymn

Opening Sentences

General Confession, Absolution

Psalm 23

Lesson – Rev. vii. 9. (read by Major the Rev. Crawford Brown, Chaplain of the 48th Highlanders


Hymn – Rock of Ages

Pipe Major Fraser will play a Lament

Unveiling of Tablet in memory of Lieut. Malone and Lieut. Gooch

Dead March, Last Post

Dedication of the Memorial Tablets


Special Prayers

Hymn – Fight the good fight


Offertory Anthem

Hymn – For all the saints from their labours rest.

The National Anthem


Organ Postlude – March (Pomp and Circumstance) Elgar

Associated place
St. Paul’s Church, Toronto
Associated event
Services / 48th
Associated name(s)
Major the Rev. Crawford Brown, Chaplain
1914 – 1919 (WW 1)
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related

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