Letter from Edward Ford conveying Her Majesty's congratulations

Letter from Edward Ford, Courtier to Her Majesty, June 29, 1959

Thanking for CNE Trooping – Cards – The Royal Yacht Britannia was docked in Toronto Harbour. On 29 June 1959 the 48th Highlanders Trooped the Colour at the CNE stadium. Two days later, on 1 July, in Ottawa, Her Majesty would present a new stand of Colours to the 48th Highlanders of Canada. Her Majesty, when Princess Elizabeth, had accepted the position as Colonel-in-Chief of the 48th Highlanders in 1947. Two other regiments, The Seaforth Highlanders in British Columbia and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in Scotland received the same honour of Colonel-in-Chief on that day.

H.M. Yacht Britannia

At Toronto, 29th June, 1959.

Dear Colonel Corbett,

The Queen, as Colonel-in-Chief of the 48th Highlanders of Canada, was not surprised that her Regiment could put on such a magnificent display as it did in the Canadian National Exhibition Arena this afternoon. Her Majesty would, however, like you to convey to all ranks on parade her congratulations on their bearing and drill, which justly deserved the applause of the large crowd assembled there.

The Queen was very pleased to have this opportunity of seeing her Regiment parading for the last time under its old Colours. Her Majesty is confident that it will maintain its high standards under the new ones. Please express her good wishes to all ranks under your command.

Yours sincerely,

Edward Ford

Lieutenant-Colonel K.C.B. Corbett, CD,


48th Highlanders of Canada, Toronto


Associated place
H.M. Yacht Britannia, Toronto, On
Associated event
Associated name(s)
Queen Elizabeth II
LCol Sir Edward Ford, GC VO KOB ERD DL FRSA Courtier to Queen Elizabeth II
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Cards, Event related
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