Signed letter from Her Majesty upon Presentation of New Colours

Letter from Her Majesty upon Presentation of Colours – 1 July 1959

Letter from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Colonel-in-Chief on the Presentation of New Colours on 01 July 1959. The letter is on Her Majesty’s personal stationary. The 48th Highlanders were one of three regiments for which Her Majesty, then Princess Elizabeth, accepted the position as Colonel-in-Chief in 1947. The Presentation of Colours, the third set of Colours for the 48th Highlanders, was on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

“Commanding Officers, Officers, Warrant Officer, Non-Commissioned Officers and me:

I am most happy to be here today to inspect my Regiments and to present Colours to The Canadian Grenadier Guards, the 48th Highlanders of Canada and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada.

It is fitting that this Ceremony, which owes so much to tradition, should take place on Dominion Day and in the very shadow of Parliament itself. It thus reminds us not only of the growth and development of Canada as a nation but also of the cherished democratic principles and institutions under which the development has been possible.

As your Colonel-in-Chief, I know something of your regimental records. The South African War and the two great World Wards gave a proof a high sense of duty and of courage, steadfastness and integrity. The honours emblazoned on your new Colours testify to this gallant service more eloquently than any words can do, and they are the memorial of your brave comrades who gave their lives in defence of their country.

As the their worthy successors, may you treasure them as reminders of your glorious past and as symbols of your enduring honour.

I entrust these Colours to your care, well knowing that they will be in safe hands, that you and those who come after you will preserve them with the same jealous devotion with which you will maintain the unsullied name and the noble traditions of your Regiments.


Elizabeth R

1st July 1959.”

Associated place
Parliament Hill, Ottawa, On
Associated event
Associated name(s)
Queen Elizabeth 11
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Cards, Event related

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