Letter from Frederick Wyld re subscriptions for equipment - 1892

Letter from F. Wyld, March 14, 1892 re promised subscriptions for equipment

– Documents

The Citizens’ Committee for the purpose of raising funds to assist in the purchase of the necessary equipment for the 48th Highlanders.

Toronto, 14th March, 1892

Dear Sir,

The Citizens’ Committee beg to advise you that the Regiment has been gazetted. Relying on the assurance from subscribers and those favorable to the formation of such a corps, the requisite uniforms for the rank and file were ordered, and are expected to arrive in a few days. In order that the obligations thus incurred may be discharged you are requested to send in the amount of your subscription to the Treasurer, Thos. McCracken, Esq., 34 Toronto Street, at your earliest convenience.

Yours truly, Frederick Wyld.

Chairman Citizens’ Committee.

Amount Subscribed, $…………

Associated place
Toronto, On
Associated event
Associated name(s)
1891 – 1913 Early years
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Other, Event related
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