Full dress review order uniform worn by LCol Davidson

Full Dress – Officers 1890’s – Lt. Col. John Irvine Davidson

This Full Dress, Review Order is the original Uniform worn in 1892  by Lt. Col. John Irvine Davidson, first Commanding Officer  from 20 November 1891 to 1898.

Glengarry with original cap badge – glengarry has marking W6D 1913

Tunic with gold cords and rank, pips and crown of  Lt. Col. ;  buttons x 22 by Crean & Rowan;  “Stillwell & Son London” Tailors tag “Austin & Workman” Toronto

Horse hair sporran Officer pattern made by Crean & Rowan Toronto.

Gordon pattern kilt, worn by Davidson until kilt in Davidson tartan had been purchased for the Regiment in 1892

Officers silk sash + belted plaid + buckle; White, leather waist belt with original belt buckle; white leather baldric

Diced hose;  garters officer pattern “Belled Flashes” ; 10-button spats
Brogue shoes

Claymore (Scottish infantry basket hilted broad sword) attached to sword sling (belonging to LCol Trumbull Warren)

Although still being worn on Parade by the Regiment today this dress was a fighting uniform a century ago. Full dress as a field uniform had already begun to disappear on the battlefield at the time it was adopted  by the 48th Highlanders in 1892. The Regiment wore this uniform in the field until the early 1900s when the cost of its upkeep and changes in equipment restricted its wearing to Parade Square. In the field troops wore Marching Order which would have included knapsack, mess tin, blanket, canteen and haversack to carry the spare clothes, food and water to sustain operations in the field.

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1891 – 1913 Early years
Location of artifact
Case 5 Uniforms 91
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