Cpl. Gord Outhwaite Photos

Yellow Inter-department Mail Envelope labelled “Gord Outhwaite Photo- War Years”. 16 photos of various sizes and subjects belonging to and mostly featuring Gord Outhwaite. Two larger photos also in a white envelope labelled “Gord”.

Photos in the Yellow Envelope are as follows:

  1. Gord in dress uniform and Person in suit – 1938 to 1939;
  2. Gord and friend in dress uniform and dog on ground – 1938;
  3. Gord in dress uniform – 1938;
  4. Gord’s friend in dress uniform, same friend from photo 2.;
  5. 48th Pipe Band – 1938;
  6. 48th Pipe Band, different angle – 1938;
  7. Gord and friend in dress uniform;
  8. Group photo of six individuals, front row left to right: Alex Smart – Bill Mills – Jack Smale, back row left to right: Gord Outhwaite – Jack Mansfield – Ken Smale, – 1938 to 1939;
  9. Gord Outhwaite Comes Home, Gord seated on porch in uniform with a dog – 1946;
  10. Gord Outhwaite in winter dress;
  11. Gord Outhwaite overseas, portrait photo – 1940 to 1945;
  12. Gord Outhwaite and Person with arm over Gord in portrait photo, both in uniform;
  13. Portrait of Gord Outhwaite in uniform, labelled “To My Meat-Head Pal – Oats.”;
  14. Gord Outhwaite and possibly Ken Smale both in uniform, stamped 27 Jan. 1941 on reverse;
  15. Gord Outhwaite and Hank McDowell posing surrounded by pigeons and with pigeons on arms, London – 1942;
  16. Gord Outhwaite and Person in uniform;

Photos in the White Envelope are as follows:

  1. Photo of Hank McDowell posing on Norton motorbike carrying a Thompson submachine gun, photo taken in Sicily, black and white photo;
  2. Group photo of regiment in front of York Armoury, from left to right: back row: fourth person – Warrant Officer Gledhill/twelfth person – Ron Short, middle row: fourth person – Warrant Officer GD Martin/twelfth person – Geordie Elms/nineteenth person – Julie Moreau, front row: third person – Jim Davidson/sixth person – Jensen/tenth person – Warrant Officer Wilbert Headley/eleventh person – Greg Ewing/twelfth person – George Roberts, late 60’s – before 1974


Associated place
Associated event
Associated name(s)
1939 – 1945 (WW 2), 1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Tower, Tower Numbered location


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