Front and reverse of Program for Fiftieth Anniversary of the Boer War, Commemorative Service in St. James' Cathedral Toronto

Commemorative Service of Boer War, St. James Cathedral- 1950 Feb

– Program

The Veterans of the South African War

Fiftieth Anniversary of the Boer War

Commemorative Service in St. James’ Cathedral Toronto

Sunday, February 26th, 1950 at 3 p.m.

Processional Hymn, The General Confession, The Absolution, The Lord’s Prayer, Psalm 46, The Lesson, The Magnificat, The Creed, The Collects, Prayers, Hymn, Sermon, Closing Prayer and Benediction, Closing Prayer and Benediction, Recessional Hymn

Organizations Participating in the Commemoration-50th Anniversary Church Parade of Toronto South African Veterans and Miltary Escort.

Honourary Marshal – Major General J.H. Elmsley, C.B., D.S.O., V.D.

Toronto Garrison Units by courtesy of Major General C. Vokes, C.B., C.B.E. D.S.O. Central command Headquarters and Officers Commanding Units

In Command of Parade – Lt. Colonel W.T. Barnard, V.D.

Units Parading

Governor General’s Horse Guards

Queen’s Own Rifles

Royal Regiment

48th Highlanders Queen’s York Rangers

29th Field Regiment (9th Field Battery)

The Canadian Legion

The Canadian Corps

The Original’s Club

Canadian Red Cross Corps

City Mounted Police

Legion of Frontiersmen

St. John’s Ambulance Corps

Co-ordinator-Captain C.W. Bunting

Associated place
St. James Cathedral, Toronto
Associated event
Services / General
Associated name(s)
His Honour Ray Lawson, O.B.E., LL.D., D.C.L. Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
Major General J.H. Elmsley, C.B., D.S.O., V.D.
Major General C. Vokes, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O.
Lt. Colonel W.T. Barnard, V.D.
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related

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