Business card with signed note from W Ross Macdonald, Lt Governor of Ontario

Business Card from W. Ross Macdonald, with note to LCol D. C. Haldenby, CD – 1961

– Cards

Handwritten note on business card sent to LCol D. C. Haldenby, CD on becoming Commanding Officer of the 48th Highlanders of Canada:

“May your years of Command be profitable to you, to the 48th & to Canada.

Signed Ross Macdonald”

W. Ross Macdonald

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate


Macdonald served with the 2nd Cycle Corps and 4th Battalion of the C.E.F. in WWI. He was elected as an MP in 1935, appointed Deputy Speaker in 1945 and Speaker of the House of Commons to 1953. In 1953 he was appointed  to the Senate where he became Leader of the Government in the Senate and a minister without portfolio in the Cabinet. From 1954 – 57  he  served as Solicitor General of Canada, returning to the Senate from 1957 to 1963, retiring in 1964. Governor General Roland Michener  appointed Macdonald to serve as Lieutenant Governor of Ontario from 1968 to 1974.In 1974, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. Madonald’s daughter was married to LCol D. C. Haldenby.

Haldenby was Commanding officer from 1961 to 1964 and his father, Brigadier E W Haldenby, MC, VD served in WWI and WWII and was Commanding Officer 1939 – 1940 when he took the 48th Highlanders overseas with the 1st Canadian Contingent.


Associated place
Associated event
Documents / General
Associated name(s)
W. Ross Macdonald Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Canada
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Cards, Event related

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