details on trip to Port Maitland

Reminder postcard re 48th Summer Camp at Lake Erie – dated June 16th, 1931

– Cards

48th Highlanders of Canada

It has been decided to take the Regiment to camp at Port Maitland, on Lake Erie, for the week-end of Aug, 1st-leaving Toronto, Saturday afternoon, returning Monday evening (Monday being a holiday). Each man volunteering for camp will be asked to subscribe $2.00 towards expenses. This is necessary as Regimental income has been cut to one quarter of last years estimates.

Please advise your platoon sergeant as soon as possible whether or not you can arrange to go. The accommodation at the camp is not large, and the number taken must be limited accordingly. Detailed orders will be issued later.

June 16th, 1931.

W.W. Southam

Capt. Adjt.

Associated place
Port Maitland, Lake Erie, On.
Associated event
Penny Postcards
Associated name(s)
1920 – 1938 Interwar period
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Cards, Event related
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