The Grace before Meat - handwritten

48th Sgts Dinner, Grace before meal.

– Documents

The Grace Before Meat

The Sergeants Mess

48th Highlanders of Canada

“Ye how’rs, who mak mankind your care,”And dish them oot their bill of fare”, grant unto this assembled company o’three-stripe hyenas, lashins o’beef an acres o’pie, syned owre wi’ seailin’ bickers o’sma’ale, for them who want it; but oh! unto them wha, like oorsels, can appreciate the higher and more sheerituous things o’ this warld, grant a leebral supply o’ that Balm in Gilead – o’ thait oil o’gladness, which when judeeciously applied, “gars” the wheels o’life gae doonhill sereiving’,” “an’ a’ the glory shall be thine, Amen, Amen/”

Associated place
Associated event
Dinner / 48th Sgts
Associated name(s)
Not assigned
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Other, Event related

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