speech by Lt. Col. M. George in Holland April 30th, 1980

48th Remembrance Service Holland-1980 April 30

– Program

48th Highlanders of Canada

Forty-eighth Highlanders All!


Here we leave this place of Solemn remembrance, let us pause to remember why we, as Highlanders, have come to this place.

Here lies our Commanding Officer Col. MacKenzie, of honoured memory. Here lie the men of the Regiment who stood shoulder to shoulder with us in battles we remember — battles to drive a relentless enemy from the peaceful land of Holland  and set a people free.

It is for us to ponder the providence of God that chose us to survive the battle and to return this day.

It is for us to salute the dead – those who did not survive but who by their sacrifice, won both for themselves and us a place of honour and respect for Canadian Arms and for our Regiment.


Almighty God, our Father –

In they presence, we salute them as they join with us in remembering the days of our youth when the whole earth was shaken by War and there was no peace in the land.

May they know that the evil against which they fought was overcome and that Victory did bring peace.

May they know that in this land of dikes and windmills – their memory is cherished and that a grateful people have not forgotten Canada or the Canadians who by their sacrifice gave them back their freedom.

As we return to our native land – revive in us the idealism of our youth – and her our prayer—that in Canada there may always be men of noble resolve and high purpose – with the courage to follow in the footsteps of those whom we remember here.

In thine own good times, grant us Holy Rest and Peace at last.


Prepared for Lt. Col. M. George (S.B.E. – Apr. 30/80)

Associated place
Associated event
Services / 48th
Associated name(s)
1946 – 1999 Late 20th C.
Location of artifact
Case 49 Storage
Programs and menus, Event related
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